Why Is My Dog Licking My Other Dog’s Ear? Unraveling Reason lick other dogs

Why Is My Dog Licking My Other Dog's Ear

As a dog owner, I’ve always wondered why my furry friends engage in the strange and comical behavior of licking each other’s ears. It’s a mystery that has left me scratching my head.

But fear not, fellow dog lovers! In this article, we will unravel the reasons behind this puzzling behavior. Why is my dog licking my other dog’s ear?

Reasons Dogs Lick Other Dogs Ears

Dogs engage in various behaviors for many reasons, and licking another dog’s ear can have several underlying motivations. Here are ten possible reasons why one dog may be licking another dog’s ear:

Social Bonding

Why Is My Dog Licking My Other Dog's Ear

Licking other dogs’ ears is an expected behavior among dogs, serving as a way to establish social bonding and strengthen relationships within their pack. It’s like our handshake version but with a lot more slobber.

When dogs lick each other’s ears, it’s not just a random act of affection. It’s a way to communicate and show that we’re part of the same social group.

Plus, it’s a great way to eliminate any leftover kibble crumbs that might be stuck in there.


There are several reasons why dogs groom each other’s ears, such as to establish dominance and maintain social hierarchy.

But let me tell you, it’s not just about looking fabulous. It’s also about keeping those ears clean and healthy.

We dogs have this innate instinct to groom each other, and sometimes that includes giving those ears a good lick. Excessive ear licking can be a sign of something more serious, like infected ears or allergies.

If you notice your dog licking other dogs’ ears too much, it might be time for a trip to the vet. But hey, don’t worry. Most of the time, it’s just our way of showing affection and bonding with our furry friends.


While bonding with other dogs, I often observe them communicating by licking each other’s ears. It’s quite a sight to behold, let me tell you.

They’re having a secret conversation that only they can understand. And let me tell you, ear licking is one of the most peculiar forms of communication I’ve ever seen. Who would have thought that dogs would use their tongues to convey messages? But hey, dogs are known for their unique ways, right?

So, the next time you see a dog being licked on the ear, just remember, they’re not just getting a good cleaning. They’re actually exchanging top-secret information. 

Taste or Smell

I love how dogs use their keen sense of smell to detect subtle scents and flavors, which explains why they are so curious about each other’s ears.

Have you ever wondered why dogs love to lick other dogs’ ears? Here’s a hilarious theory for you: maybe dogs think that infected ears taste like a gourmet treat! Yes, you heard me right. Dogs might actually enjoy the taste of ear wax from infected ears. It’s like their version of indulging in a fancy, gourmet meal. 


Dogs Lick Dogs Ears

Dogs licking other dogs’ ears can be a form of attention-seeking, as they crave interaction and connection with their canine companions.

They’re saying, “Hey, pay attention to me! I’m here, and I want some love!” We dogs have unique ways of seeking attention licking ears is one of our favorites.

We can’t resist giving our friends a good ear bath. It could be because we know that ears are a sensitive spot for humans, too, so we figure it works for our furry friends as well. Plus, let’s remember that dogs like the taste of earwax.

Gross, I know, but hey, don’t judge us! So, next time you catch us licking ears, remember that it’s just our way of saying, “I love you, buddy!”

Anxiety or Stress

When experiencing anxiety or stress, dogs often lick other dogs’ ears to seek comfort and reassurance. It’s like their version of a stress ball or a warm cup of tea. Dogs have unique ways of coping; apparently, ear licking is one of them.

Who needs therapy when you can have an excellent ear-licking session? They’re saying, “Hey buddy, I see you’re stressed.

Let me lend a helping tongue!” Maybe they say, “I’ve got your back, pal.” So, the next time you see a dog licking another dog’s ear, remember it’s not just a random act of affection. It’s doggy therapy in action!

Itchy Ears

My furry friend’s incessant ear licking may be a sign of their itchy ears, prompting them to seek relief from their canine companion. They’re saying, “Hey buddy, scratch this itch for me, will ya?” And let me tell you, it’s quite a sight to see.

But before you start thinking your dog has developed a strange ear-licking fetish, it’s essential to consider other possible reasons for this behavior. One common cause could be an ear infection. If one dog has an ear infection, the other dog may lick their ears to try to help or show concern. 


I always find it fascinating how much can be learned about the canine world by exploring why dogs lick each other’s ears. Why do they do it? Is it some secret code or a hidden ritual? Well, there are a few reasons why dogs engage in this strange licking behavior.

First, a dog may lick another dog’s ear as a sign of affection or submission. It’s their way of saying, “Hey buddy, I’m cool with you.” Secondly, it could be a way for dogs to establish dominance or reinforce their social hierarchy.

And finally, although it’s less common, a dog may lick another dog’s ear to help soothe an ear infection. So next time you see your furry friends going at it, remember, they’re either saying, “I love you,” “You’re the boss,” or “You need some ear drops, buddy!”

Submissive Behavior

Dogs may lick another dog’s ear as a submissive behavior, signaling their acceptance and submission to the other dog. I know what you’re thinking: “Why would a dog want to lick another dog’s ear? That’s just plain weird!” But trust me, there’s a method to their madness.

You see, dogs have their own way of communicating, and ear licking is just one of them. It’s like saying, “Hey, I respect you, and I’m cool with being submissive here.” It’s their way of keeping the peace and maintaining harmony in their furry little pack.

So next time you see your dog indulging in ear-licking behavior, remember that it’s their unique way of showing love and submission.


While dogs may lick each other’s ears as a sign of submission, it’s essential to understand that dominance can also play a role in this behavior. Dogs have their own way of communicating, and sometimes, it can get confusing for us humans.

So, picture this: you have two dogs, one licking the other’s ear like a gourmet treat. Before you start thinking that your dog has a weird obsession with earwax, let me tell you that there could be more to it. Licking behavior can allow dominant dogs to assert their dominance over another dog.

It’s like saying, “Hey, I’m the top dog around here, and you better listen to me!” It’s their way of showing who’s boss.

So, the next time you catch your furry friend trying to lick other dogs’ ears, remember that it’s all about establishing dominance, even if it looks a little odd to us humans.

Dogs Lick Ears

Treating an Injury

The key to treating an injury on a dog is to clean it thoroughly and apply a suitable ointment for faster healing. But what happens when your dog takes matters into their own paws?

That’s right, I’m talking about the infamous licking behavior. It’s like they’re auditioning for a role as a canine doctor, but they need to be qualified. So why does your dog lick their own injury?

Well, it could be a sign of discomfort or pain. Or maybe they think it’s a tasty treat. But what about when they start licking other dogs’ injuries? Now, that’s a new level of dedication to their furry friends. Maybe they’re trying to play doctor with their pals, too.

But hey, let’s not forget that excessive licking can lead to further irritation or even an ear infection. So, while it’s adorable to see them play doctor, let’s ensure we’re treating the injury and not just adding some extra slobber to the mix.

Dangers of Dogs Ear Licking Behavior 

Dogs are known for their affectionate nature and one of the ways they show it is by licking their owner’s ears. While this behavior may appear harmless, it can lead to several potential health hazards.

 Infection Risk

Dogs have a weird interest in each other’s ears. They can’t resist licking them like a secret doggy handshake. They don’t realize that this harmless expression of devotion might have severe effects. Because of repeated licking, the ear becomes warm and moist, which breeds bacteria and yeast. Soon, your pet may have an uncomfortable ear infection. 

Irritation and Discomfort

I rapidly discovered the consequences of dogs licking each other’s ears after feeling irritation and discomfort. I love dogs and their quirks, but this ear-licking thing confused me. I researched and found that excessive ear licking can cause dog ear infections.

Who knew? The continual dampness from tongue activity fosters bacteria and fungus growth, resulting in badly infected ears. Infected ears are serious. They can cause furry pals pain, irritation, and hearing loss. If you find your dogs licking their ears, it may be time to intervene to prevent an ear apocalypse!

Spread of Allergens

The spread of allergens occurs when dogs lick each other’s ears, transferring allergenic substances like pollen or dust from one dog’s skin or fur to another. This can lead to allergic reactions in dogs, causing symptoms such as itching, redness, and discomfort, especially in dogs with sensitivities or allergies.

 Risk of Ear Mites

 It could be a sign of ear mites if you notice your dog constantly scratching their ears or shaking their head like they’re at a rock concert.

These tiny pests can lead to an ear infection; nobody wants that! So, how can we stop them from spreading through our oh-so-friendly ear-licking behavior?

The key is to keep those ears clean and healthy. Regularly check your dog’s ears for any signs of mites or infections. And if your dog may lick another dog’s ears, make sure both pups are mite-free!

It’s all about prevention, my friends. Stay on top of those ear inspections, and keep those mites at bay!

 Behavioral Issues

Dogs can develop behavioral issues from excessive ear licking, but don’t worry, I have some tricks to help you. When dogs start going to town on each other’s ears, it could be a sign of something more serious, like an ear infection. But sometimes, it’s just a quirky habit that needs a little attention.

Injury Risk

Injury risk associated with dogs licking each other’s ears involves the potential for harm to the ear tissue or surrounding areas due to the licking behavior.

Vigorous or persistent licking may lead to physical injury, including scratches, abrasions, or even hematomas, painful blood-filled pockets in the ear flap.

Stress or Agitation

Dogs licking each other’s ears can sometimes lead to stress or agitation, particularly in the dog being licked. This behavior may make the recipient dog uncomfortable or anxious, leading to heightened stress levels and fever, potentially resulting in changes in behavior or even aggression in response to unwanted attention.

How to Stop Your Dog from Licking Other Dogs’ Ears

One effective way to stop my dog from licking other dogs’ ears is by distracting them with a toy or treat. Trust me, I’ve tried everything from talking to my pup about personal boundaries to giving them a stern “no,” but nothing seems to work like a good old distraction.

It’s like magic! Whenever my furry friend gets a little too intimate with another dog’s ears, I whip out a squeaky toy or a tasty treat, and their attention is diverted.

 They forget their licking behavior and focus on the fun before them. Plus, it’s a win-win situation because it stops my dog from annoying other dogs and prevents the risk of spreading any potential ear infections.

So, next time you find yourself dealing with a dog who can’t keep their tongue to themselves, try the old distraction trick. Your pup and the other dog will thank you!

Final Thoughts

The behavior of one dog licking another dog’s ear may seem strange, but there are reasons behind it. It can be a sign of affection, a way to establish social bonds, or a form of grooming.

While this behavior is generally harmless, it’s essential to be aware of potential dangers like ear infections. There are ways to discourage your dog from licking other dogs’ ears if needed. By understanding this behavior, we can better understand our furry companions and their social dynamics.

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